25th Birthday Bonanza - performed May 2002

Director - Mike Johansen
Musical Director - Patience Ling

Chairman’s Note

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Manifest Theatre's 25th Birthday Bonanza Variety Show.
During the past 25 years the group has succeeded in bringing to its audiences a high standard of both dramatic and musical productions. You may be surprised to learn that during this time over three hundred actors and actresses have trodden the boards, which may not be surprising considering that we have produced 51 plays and 27 musicals. Of course you have to thank the vision and determination of our founder members for providing the unique facility, our theatre building which was purchased in 1985 and after much effort converted for theatre use. Recent years have witnessed improvements to our facilities, the most recent of which we hope you will have noticed upon entering the theatre, namely the refurbished entrance hall.
All of this would not have been possible if it had not been for our loyal audiences and I take this opportunity to thank you all for coming here tonight. I hope that you will find the evening an enjoyable occasion and that you will continue to support us in the future.
Mike Johansen


The Ladies The Gentlemen
Viv Wheatley Bob Wheatley
Val Taylor Derek Butcher
Jane Cousins Terry Cousins
Kathy James Nigel Morton
Gloria Streames Ryan Maslen
Cheryll Burton Mike Johansen
Carolyn Carey Bryan Threadgall
Amanda Rowe Nigel Rowe
Annabel Carey Peter King
Sue Halsey Roger Key
Mary Powell Gordon Prior
Bethany Jones Bert Yeates
Chris Bush

Production Team

Mike Johansen, Patience Ling, Doug Newton, Ray Streames, Maurice Barber, Caroline Kobielusz, Kathy James, Bruce Emeny, Robert Carey, Chris Bush, Nigel Rowe, Nigel Morton, Lester Pearse, Gloria Streames Patience Ling, Viv Wheatley, Yvonne Cobbold, Steve Sadler and other volunteers not mentioned.

Photo Shoot

If you have any photos from this production, then please let us know.