House Guest - performed May 2005

By Francis Durbridge

Performed with the kind permission of Samuel French Ltd

Director - Mel Evans

When I read the script in the Drama Library at Whitham, I thought this is the play for the Manifest. It was only after talking to some of the long-standing members that I found out that "House Guest" had already been performed in 1986! Nevertheless I still think it remains a excellent, typically written Durbridge, with its many twists and turns. I hope you got as much pleasure from seeing it, as we had in getting it ready for you.


(in order of appearance)

Vivien Norwood Teresa Sizer
Jane Mercer Jo Cobbold
Stella Drury Stacie Withers
Robert Drury Adrian Bolton
Major Crozier Lester Pearse
Inspector Burford Mike Johansen
Sergeant Clayton Gordon Prior
Dorothy Medway Gloria Streames
Philip Henderson Anton Di Labor

The Play

Robert and Stella learn that their son has been kidnapped - not for ransom, but to force them to allow one of the kidnappers to remain in their house. Two other men, supposedly police officers, arrive and reveal that one of the kidnappers has been murdered. Soon, however, it is clear that these two are far from what they seem. A highly, exciting thriller.

The Review (extracts)

This was a well put together production with a pleasing and well lit set, there was a great deal of tension to be displayed from the plot, and this was well handled, particularly by Robert, with good variation in pace intensity and expression. Dorothy, the cottage minder, was perfect and a lesson in what can be achieved with a small part. A good evening with this warm and friendly group.

Photo Shoot

(Back Row) Gordon, Adrian, Gloria, Lester, Mike
(Front Row) Jo, Teresa, Stacie

(click on an image below to view a larger photo - arrow keys navigate through the set)