The Curse of the Willoughby Diamond - performed May 2006

By Gary Simpson

Performed courtesy of 'Murder Night Publications'

Director - Caroline Roberts


(in order of appearance)

Lady Constance Willoughby Val Taylor
Daphne Willoughby Gloria Streames
Mr Potts Mike Johannsen
Colonel Montgomery Willoughby Lester Pearse
Alice the Maid Alison Baker
Rupert Bonnington-Smythe John Roberts
Abdul Glyn Hill
Inspector Foot of the Yard Nigel Morton

Production Team

Caroline Roberts, Bruce Emeny, Andy Terry, Chris Bush

The Evening

'In the 1920's an ancient Egyptian curse returns to haunt the jinxed Willoughby family, holders of the famed Willoughby diamond'.

The Manifest held a 'Murder Mystery' night on 20th May 2006. The audience were welcomed to 'Willoughby Hall' where the 'Willoughby Diamond' was due to be auctioned. They were privvy to the comings and goings of the residents and guests of the house (a one act play) which ended (inevitably) with a murder!
After tea and cakes in the bar, served in true 1920's style, they were invited back to question the suspects. With the help of various pieces of evidence they made their accusations, the murderer finally confessed and the winner was announced.

A great evening, enjoyed by all and a good chance for members to meet up and exercise their 'little grey cells'.

Photo Shoot

Back Row - Nigel, Mike, Glyn, Alison, John, Lester
Front Row - Val, Gloria