NovemberFinal decoration is underway as well as new radiators in each of the toilets being connected to the existing heating system.
In the first week all internal studwork was erected and first fix electrics and plumbing.
Week two was plastering and internal door linings.
The toilets were then tiled and painted before fitting out with new and existing sanitaryware
The team completed the rear extension and then moved inside, a false floor was built to bring the floor level up to
that of the stage.
The builders completed the shell of the front extension.
Friday 16th August
Team: Andy, John, Martin, Richard, Derek, Steve
and Martin lift all the sheets of boarding onto the roof - in the rain. Andy cuts and fits these, then 100mm of
insulation, followed by more boarding. John, Derek and Steve clad the outside with weather boarding. Finally a
tarpaulin is secured over the roof to keep the weather out until the roof is felted.

Thursday 15th August
Team: Andy, John, Derek, Steve, Gordon
John, Derek and Bruce clad the exterior with boarding and then building paper to make the outside weather tight (still
no roof!) Andy fitted the noggins between the rafters to create a rigid structure ready for boarding on Friday.
Wednesday 14th August
Team: Andy, John, Derek, Martin, Richard, Bruce, Gordon, Steve
Derek and John remove the last window above the old door is removed and repair the sofit and facia in the corner of the
theatre so the roof timbers can be fitted.
This photo shows the studwork required on a supporting wall, 3 times 6" x 2" bolted together at the sides of the door
frame and across the lintel.

Tue 13th August
Team: Andy, John, Martin, Derek, Richard, Bruce, Gordon
Derek and John remove the old windows and build framework in the openings to support the new roof flashing. Found that
the windows were well secured, one with 14 screws!
With Richard on the mitre saw and Martin on the nail gun, the stud walls for the extension are built in a day, the two
door openings are left for final fitting out on Wednesday, but a quick check shows some minor adjustment is required
for the double door. Derek directs from below.

Mon 12th August
Team: Andy, John, Martin, Derek, Richard, Bruce
Delivery from Travis Perkins arrives before lunch and thankfully the lorry manages to reverse as far as the railway
bridge in Oxford Road. Several tons of timber are off loaded onto the road (where a line of cars usually park) then
reloaded into trailers on Andy's and Richard's cars to take the final 100 yards to the theatre.
The remainder of the day is spent moving all the materials from the forecourt of the theatre to various locations ready
for use. Find that we are 32 lengths of timber short that are needed to build the walls. TP manage to deliver later the
same afternoon. Building to start on Tuesday. Jude pops in to take some work in progress photo's (hopefully to appear
here later).
Wed 7th August
Team: John O'Connell
Footings for front extension dug and filled and start of brick walls.

Friday 26th July
Team: Andy Terry
Capped off old water supply to the various backstage feeds and renewed incoming stop tap in the storeroom.
that there is now only one stop tap for the building. If in future we need to replace the incoming supply from the
water meter, we have only this one easily accessible tap to consider.
Thursday 25th July - AGM
Inspection of the building work for the rear extension. Brickwork completed and ready for the timber building. Floor
requires concrete, insulation and screed.
Friday 12th July
Team: Andy Terry, John Terry, Jacquie Terry
Just a couple of hours in the afternoon, connected up toilet in what will be disabled toilet for Kerry and also the
builders and team, Mum cleaned the auditorium from the worst of the dust, Dad removed the partition of the cast toilets.
Thursday 11th July
Team: Andy Terry, John Terry, Nigel Morton, Martin Rayner
Builders bought in digger to remove oversite for the front extension, the digging team had expressed an interest, but
on second thoughts let the builders carry out this job. Very glad we did, as look at the concrete.
The Manifest team removed the backstage toilets, seeing as the drains were no longer connected. (they are in that pile
of rubble somewhere!)
Wednesday 10th July
Team: Andy Terry, Steve Sadler
In the evening Steve and Andy removed the FOH toilets and demolished the wall between the Ladies and
Gents toilets
Tuesday 9th July
Builders started today, Doorway knocked through tbetween foyer and disabled and channel for soil pipe between the new
disabled topet to outside.
Monday 8th July
Team: Andy Terry, John Terry, Nigel Morton, Martin Rayner
Sorry, but no photo's from today, just finished the digging of the footings and general clearing up.
Friday 5th July
Team: Andy Terry, Derek Butcher, John Terry, Martin Rayner
Breaking up of brickwork and concrete, Derek was the usual kango man, but was taking the picture this time.
John working hard as usual
Martin about to negotiate the ramp with a full barrow, notice the japenese headwear
Derek and Andy installing shuttering, as the side walls of the trench kept collapsing.
Finally, about 15 tons of soil in this heap, all removed and barrowed by the team
Thursday 4th July
Team: Andy Terry, Derek Butcher, John Terry, Martin Rayner, Bruce Emeny
Digging has started, Derek discovers an old step below the current playground.
The team survey their days work, this is the oversite being cleared, all soil is being barrowed through the theatre
June 2013
Work started this week by clearing the site for the rear
extension, the "garage" below used to be attached to the
building as a stage wing, It will now be used as our furniture store.

The rear extension will provide a internal route for the cast to access the stage from this side, without
having to resort to umbrellas!

The next stage is to dig the footings, which we are doing ourselves to keep costs down. The only access is
through the backstage area of the theatre, so plenty of exersise for the "barrow" boys.