
Booking Office


Tickets for performances can now be purchased in the following ways.
  1. Online Booking
    Tickets can be purchased online via TicketSource
    Book now
  2. Calling our dedicated box office line on; 07444 724271 (messages can be left at any time)
  3. Posting your ticket order to;

    Box Office
    Manifest Theatre Group
    2 Oxford Road
    Essex CO11 1BP

Note: All tickets for productions at the Manifest Theatre should be pre-ordered to avoid disappointment and inconvenience. Due to the limited number of seats for each performance, we do sell out and have on occasions, regretfully had to turn people away at the door.

Ticket Prices

Members £10.00 (& under 16's)
Non members £12.00 (incorporating your £2 associate membership (Musicals, Special Events and One off shows may attract higher prices, please check individual events for these ticket prices.)


All performances start at 7.30pm prompt, unless otherwise stated. The bar will be serving refreshments from 7.00pm and both during any interval and also for a limited time after the performance at, very competitely priced drinks and snacks.



You can also leave a message on our dedicated box office line 07444 724271, or email us at boxoffice@manifesttheatre.co.uk
with your ticket enquiries.


The Manifest Theatre is a members club, when purchasing tickets for the first time, your associate membership is included in the ticket price. This enables you to purchase tickets for further performances or film nights at the discounted members rate for the rest of the calendar year.


Parking at the Theatre.
There are limited parking spaces at the theatre for patrons with reduced mobility. You can pre-book a space by contacting the theatre on 01206 319309 on a Monday or Wednesday evening There is no parking in Oxford Road- or adjacent roads. Further options near the theatre are detailed here.