Rebecca - performed October 2011

By Daphne Du Maurier

Performed with the kind permission of Samuel French

Director - John Roberts


Maxim de Winter NIgel Lister
Mrs de Winter Jasmine Chandler
Mrs Danvers Suzanne Harknett
Frank Crawley Lester Pearse
Jack Favell Adam Duarte-Dias
Colonel Julyan Alan Wheeler
Beatrice Lacy Jennie Horn
Gile Lacy Mike Johansen
William Tabb Gordon Prior
Frith Albert Horn
Robert Robert Duarte-Dias

Production Team

John Roberts, Derek Butcher, Andy Terry, Bruce Emeny, , Gloria Streames, Val Taylor, Jude Hussey, Rosamund Pettett, Tom Cross, Amanda & Nigel Rowe, Caroline Roberts Patience Ling, Viv Wheatley, Yvonne Cobbold, Steve Sadler and other volunteers not mentioned.

Awards & Nominations

The Play

When a naive young woman marries a rich widower and settles in his mansion, she finds the memory of his first wife maintaining a grip on her husband and the servants.


There have been some outstanding and memorable productions staged at Manningtree's Manifest Theatre and this ranks up there among the best. Near faultless performances from the 11 strong cast kept the audiences spell-bound throughout and, at times, it was quiet enough to hear the drop of the proverbial pin.

Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca, which never seems to lose its fascination, centres around a young woman who marries a much older aristocrat and how their marriage is overshadowed by the lingering presence of his first dead wife.

Nigel Lister and Jasmine Chandler were excellent as the newlyweds, especially the latter as the shy young woman frightened of putting a foot wrong. They were ably backed by Suzanne Harknett as the sinister housekeeper. So effective that by the second act her every arrival on stage was greeted by boos and hisses. The rest of the cast were equally as good and it is this ability of the Manifest to put the right people in each role which ensures the success of its productions.
Lesley Pallett

Photo Shoot

Albert, Gordon, Mike, Jennie, Lester, Jasmine, Nigel, Suzanne, Adam, Alan, Robert

(click on an image below to view a larger photo - arrow keys navigate through the set)