Time To Kill - performed February 2002 |
By Leslie DarbonPerformed with the kind permission of Samuel French, London Produced and Directed - Mel EvansWelcome to this performance of "Time To Kill". I think you will find it different from our usual productions. It appeals to me, because is has such an intriguing plot and the dialogue is riveting. It is a play which embraces most of the emaotions and makes great demands upon the cast. Cast(in order of appearance)
Production TeamBruce Emeny, Maurice Barber, Gordon Prior, Lester Pearse, Mel evans, Caroline Kobielusz, Ray Streames, Gloria Streames, Liz Wilson, Yvonne Cobbold, Julie Cross.The PlayThe play is set in a middle-class housing estate in the 1970's. Four women lure a man into a trap
and accuse him of allowing a friend of theirs to die when he could have prevented it. ReviewsGiving Manifest the backing they deserve
Those living in the Manningtree area often complain there is little entertainment and then fail to support
what is offered.
This week, the group is staging Time to Kill, a play by Leslie Darbon, and at Tuesday’s opening night the
Oxford Road theatre was only a little over half full. After weeks of hard work rehearsing, it must be very
dispiriting for the players to look out and see several empty rows of seats.
The play, produced and directed by Mel Evans, features a mock trial, set up by four woman, who lure a man into a
trap and accuse him of allowing a friend of theirs to dies when he could have prevented it.
There are some really funny moments as the drama unfolds over two hours with outstanding performances
by all six members of the case.
Donna Kimber, on stage for most of the time, was word perfect and ably backed by John Roberts,
Caroline Kobielusz, Mary Powell, Liz Porter and Glyn Hill
Photo Shoot
John, Mary, Caroline, Donna, Glyn, Liz
Liz, John, Glyn, Caroline
Liz, Donna, John